Game Reviews

PinkObot's Roblox Dressing Room -New Private Rooms:
If you look at the video, you will see me trying to find the perfect extension for my costume. It was lucky I found this game because if not, I would have bought one of the first two. This game, probably used a script, so you could easily add it to your game and make it a store, but she also added very nice mall decals to make it look like a mall. Hope you guys have fun trying on cloths before you buy ^_^ Imma be in this game a lot! Find it here!

Halloween 2013: The Witching Hour:
One thing. Never let Purps touch this game. If you watch the video you can see my epic fails xD. I can't fight monsters for my life, especially with lag. If you have a slow computer, I recommend that you don't play this game. Especially if you have a weird spider and zombie chasing you, and each time they would you, you lose 10 HP. In this game you have missions in which you need to go door to door, and fight monsters to get the items you need. The map is VERY big cx I tried walking across it at some point, but I got bored. But if you complete quests you get BLOXikin's like this one: BLOXikin #01 Skeleton Builderman
I want them so bad ;-; but I suck at the game. Hope you have a better experience than me cx!

Hunger Game's:

I know that there are many different versions of the hunger games out there. But I have a favorite. My friend SweetCandy68 prefers a different one c:< and I want to convince you people that meh fav version is better!
My fav:
Sweet's fav:

There are many differences, some good some bad. I love mine because I don't know why, but it's easier. You can sponsor people just by clicking their username, the maps aren't that extreme, and better supplies. My fav supply is a tree hugger cause well, I'm a runner. I run and find a bush, and live on water from a nearby lake and the bushes apples (never grapes) and stay alive till the final 2. Sometimes they just die off cx but sometimes I need to fight them. If they have good weapons I die, but if they don't and I'm sneaky, I WIN! But in Ozzypig's version, it is very hard. First of all, all the supplies are in that one circle, but in my fav they are spread out, small stuff closer to us, and the good stuff closer to the corn. So in ozzy's one it's like a true but very harder bloodbath, with all different supplies in one spot (not like the book). True in ozzy's you can see what people want, but in meh fav, you can chat with the people, and help friends out. Although thats bad, it helps out alot. What I have noticed is that Ozzy's game is more extreme. So in conclusion, if chu ish looking for an easier version click here, and for a harder one, click here.


  1. Omg, I have a hard time on the Witching hour also! LOL! xD

  2. Purps, Lol I got none that's how hard it is for me cx
